Friday, October 15, 2010


I have found a new hobby that I am extremely excited about -- Postcrossing, in which I exchange post cards with people around the world.  I send out a postcard to someone in one country; they register it on the website as receiving it, and then another person somewhere else gets my name and address to send me a card.  Given how much I love to travel (and don't get to as much as I'd like nowadays), I thought this would be a great way to see parts of the world from my own home.  So far I've sent out 9 postcards and 4 have been received.  It took me awhile to mail out the first round of postcards -- it was a lot harder to find postcards around here than I thought.  I have gotten one back so far and anticipate the other 3 coming soon.  I thought others might be interested in seeing the cards and stamps I receive.

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